Scientific Method Quiz

Scientific Method Quiz

This scientific method quiz tests your understanding of the scientific method. The scientific method is a systematic means of exploring the natural world, asking and answering questions, and explaining how things work.

Let’s see how well you understand the steps of the scientific method and what constitutes good science. This is a 10-question multiple choice quiz.

Scientific Method Quiz Questions

(1) You perform an experiment and perform a statistical analysis that shows the hypothesis is supported with 99.9% confidence. Is it possible the hypothesis is wrong?

(2) If you reject a hypothesis, it means you did the experiment wrong.

(3) The dependent variable in an experiment is:

(4) You conduct an experiment and record data. You notice some of the data doesn’t fit with what you expected or doesn’t agree with the other data. What should you do?

(5) In the scientific method, you propose a hypothesis to answer a question or solve a problem. Often, the hypothesis is stated in an “if, then” format. Which of the following is a requirement for a good hypothesis?

(6) Controlled variables are factors you hold constant. How many controlled variables can there be in an experiment?

(7) In an experiment, the independent variable is the one that you:

(8) Which of these statements is true?

(9) Although the number of steps in the scientific method depends on how you learned it, the sequence is always the same. Which of these steps comes before the others in the list?

(10) How many independent variables do you have in an experiment?

Scientific Method Quiz Answer Key

  1. It’s unlikely, but yes, it’s possible.
  2. false
  3. the one you measure. The dependent variable depends on how you change the independent variable.
  4. Keep it and analyze it. If it looks way out of whack with the other data, you can discuss it when you present your results.
  5. You need to be able to design and conduct an experiment that can test the hypothesis.
  6. as many as you want
  7. change or manipulate
  8. Data are facts you record in an experiment, while Results are the interpretation of these facts.
  9. Propose a hypothesis.
  10. 1

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