Winners, losers
— or both?

The tax break certainly met the city’s goal of kick-starting business activity in Mid-Market, but it wasn’t the only factor. It may also have accelerated some of the area’s problems.

By Trisha Thadani | May 9, 2019 4:00 a.m. About the series

Eight years ago, San Francisco city leaders offered a tax break to draw companies to the Mid-Market neighborhood. That tax break expires on May 20. To mark its end, this Chronicle package looks at the evolution of the street, the impact on commercial and residential real estate, and the benefits that flowed — or didn’t — to the city and its people.

When the San Francisco Board of Supervisors debated what became known as the Twitter tax break, the arguments over whether it would represent a civic good broke two ways.

Proponents said relieving corporations that moved to Mid-Market of the city’s 1.5% payroll tax would bring jobs, new retail and prosperity to an area desperate for a jolt. Crime would be reduced. And the benefits would spread across San Francisco.

“We have unemployment, we have crime, we have vacancy rates,” Supervisor David Chiu, the measure’s co-sponsor, said at the April 5, 2011, meeting where the board approved the tax exclusion. “This is a first step forward to making sure we get our economy back on track.”

Assemblyman David Chiu, the tax break’s co-sponsor on the Board of Supervisors.
Lea Suzuki, The Chronicle

Others, though, felt the benefit would favor only the region’s booming tech companies, while leaving behind the mom-and-pop shopkeepers and struggling residents who worked and lived in the neighborhood.

“I have a real caution of what this legislation would do in terms of displacing current businesses and tenants,” Supervisor John Avalos said at the same meeting.

“If you’re going to go to the point of doing do a spot-zone tax break for Twitter, then do a spot-zone tax break for a grocery store in the Tenderloin area,” Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi said.

Eight years later, as the tax break faces a May 20 expiration, it turns out both sides may have been right.

“Did it (the tax break) fulfill its goal of revitalizing Mid-Market and helping turn the economy around? To an extent, yes,” former Supervisor Jane Kim said. “But just as I don’t think the Mid-Market tax exclusion can take all the blame for what happened later, I also don’t think it can take all the praise.”

The cost to the city over the past eight years was minimal: $70 million in lost tax revenue. So what did San Francisco get for giving up that money?

In the years since the supervisors passed the tax break, 8-3, the city’s unemployment rate fell — from 9% in 2011 to 2.6% now. The city’s annual budget swelled from $6.8 billion to $11.1 billion, and median household income rose by $10,000 to $88,600, according to the city’s latest data. The population grew by 68,000.

Ted Egan, San Francisco’s chief economist, said while the tax break is not the sole reason behind Mid-Market’s economic boom, it certainly played a factor in accelerating its growth.

Between 2010 and 2017, Mid-Market produced $6 million more in payroll and gross receipts taxes and added $750,000 in sales taxes to the city’s general fund than it would have if it grew at the same rate as the rest of the city, Egan said. Fifty-nine new companies large enough to have to report their payrolls to the city either moved to, or were created in, Mid-Market.

Meanwhile, the number of retailers grew by 3% in Mid-Market and declined by 1% citywide.

“Mid-Market is now more or less a normal office market in San Francisco, which it wasn’t in the past,” Egan said. “And that’s something that would be hard to explain, except for the fact that Twitter gave a level of commitment to the area.”

Twitter headquarters on Market Street. The tax exclusion legislation took on the company’s name after Twitter threatened to leave the city.
Scott Strazzante, The Chronicle

The tax break was just one change in monetary policy designed to lure tech firms and improve San Francisco’s economy. Shortly after the tax break passed the Board of Supervisors, the city also waived the tax on certain stock-based compensation for companies that went public between 2011 and 2017. Then San Francisco voters approved a ballot measure to gradually replace the payroll tax with a gross receipts tax. Today, the payroll tax is 0.38%.

Chiu credited those changes with precipitating the economic rise not only in Mid-Market, but the city as a whole.

“We were at the depths of the great recession,” Chiu, who was president of the Board of Supervisors at the time, said recently. “And San Francisco was experiencing double-digit unemployment. We had massive budget deficits that equated to about 10 percent of the city budget. We needed to do something different.”

Citywide, there were an additional 7,027 private-sector companies in 2017 than there were 2010, Egan said. Business tax revenue, which includes payroll and gross receipts taxes, grew by 90% between 2010 and 2017. Sales tax revenue grew by 96% in the same time period.

But though the tax break may have stimulated job growth and economic activity, others blame the policy for accelerating some of Mid-Market’s problems, which remain a costly city priority.

“From a resident’s point of view, right from the get-go, there was a sinking feeling of, ‘This is not going to benefit us,’ ” said Sam Dennison, a Tenderloin resident.

The district’s homeless population grew by 1,600 people between 2011 and 2017, according to city data. Citywide, it grew from 4,691 in 2011 to 7,499.

Public complaints about feces, trash and needles in the area became so dire that Mayor London Breed increased the number of police foot patrols in Mid-Market and the Tenderloin and created a team to hunt down and clean up human waste.

The biggest disappointment for many in the neighborhood, Dennison said, were the community benefits that companies with payrolls of $1 million or more were required to provide in exchange for the tax break.

Darah Fry, center, child-care provider, plays with Nora, left, 3, at NeighborNest.
Lea Suzuki, The Chronicle

Twitter, for example, created a community center near its headquarters called NeighborNest, where homeless families could access services like computer time and child care. Zendesk donated millions of dollars to nonprofits that serve homeless people, like Episcopal Community Services and the Gubbio Project.

But Dennison, who chairs the 11-member Citizens Advisory Committee responsible for overseeing the agreements, said they had no teeth. When the companies under-promised — or didn’t follow through on commitments — the city couldn’t do anything.

The companies “helped the nonprofits, but they didn’t change the degree of displacement in the neighborhood and didn’t help stabilize the neighbors here,” he said.

Still, even without the tax incentive, Twitter and Zendesk say both companies will continue their community benefits.

Now, as the tax break reaches its sunset date, no member of the Board of Supervisors is moving to save it. Supervisor Gordon Mar even recently proposed a November ballot measure that would tax stock-based compensation, just as a number of San Francisco tech companies, including Uber, are going public.

The consensus is that the city no longer needs to give major tech companies targeted tax breaks, as it bursts with jobs, money and problems. Homelessness remains a stubborn challenge, the lack of housing has sent rents soaring and swarms of ride-hail vehicles slow traffic through the city.

“There were some benefits and there were some harms,” said Don Falk, CEO of the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp. “The people who were really against it are looking back and saying, ‘See, I told you so.’ And the people who were for it, are saying, ‘See, I told you so.’ ”