The Marketplace Fairness Act: Should You Join The Fight to Defeat It?

I do not often get invited to meet with politicians about pending legislation, but next week I will have the rare pleasure of sitting down with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro to discuss the Marketplace Fairness Act. In preparation for the meeting, I asked Terri Alpert, an active opponent of the bill, to educate me about what is at stake for small businesses. Alpert is a well-respected CEO in Connecticut who has built two top-shelf brands (Uno Alla Volta and Artisan Table) that do over $14 million in sales, and employ more than fifty people year-round. Alpert is a working mom (she was named “Entrepreneur Mom of the Year” in 2007 by Working Mother Magazine) and one of the most levelheaded people I know. If this bill has her spooked, I need to know why.

Terri Alpert, CEO of Uno Alla Volta

This is what I learned:

What is the Marketplace Fairness Act?

The Marketplace Fairness Act, or S. 743, is a piece of legislation which passed the Senate in early May and is currently under consideration in the House of Representatives. It requires all “remote sellers” (including online stores) doing $1 million of revenue or more to collect taxes for every state and jurisdiction where they have customers.

Why is it Concerning?

The legislation in its current form does not require the various states to use the same definition of what is taxable and what is not, the same tax holidays, tax forms, etc. This puts the burden on retailers to comply with the laws of 9,600 jurisdictions, to file monthly tax returns with 46 states, and to be subject to audits by states and localities in which they have no physical presence or representation.

How Did it Come About?

To understand the momentum behind this legislation, one first needs to understand how sales and use taxes currently work. Right now, every state and many municipalities set their own sales tax rates, and rules for what is taxable, as well as reporting requirements. When you make a purchase from a company that has a physical presence in a jurisdiction (a legal “nexus”), that retailer or service provider is obligated to collect any taxes due from you and remit it to the taxing authority. When you walk into your local store, you do not need to know whether your state considers a granola bar to be taxable candy or non-taxable food. The retailers in that jurisdiction have computer systems designed to help them comply with the local rules. Thus, you are charged tax accordingly and the retailer sends those revenues to the state as directed by statute. Serving as tax collector for the state where a company is located is part of the normal costs of doing business.

Now suppose you buy that same granola bar from out of state and have it shipped to you. If the company from whom you purchased it has a physical presence in your state, the sales tax collection will work just as it would if you walked into your neighborhood store. But, if that retailer doesn’t have a physical presence in your state, the retailer isn’t obligated to serve as tax collector. This doesn’t change your obligation to pay the tax, however. You now owe what is called “use tax” and you are supposed to self-report the purchase to your state and remit the tax. Very few consumers do this (which is one impetus for the new law), but most companies do comply.

As Alpert explained, “Every time my company buys a book from Amazon, a computer from Dell, or even uses public relations services from a PR firm in New Jersey, we remit 6.75% to the State of Connecticut. In fact, I do not know of any business owners that don’t fully comply — whether because they believe in doing things correctly, or because the risk of an audit and substantial penalties and interest charges is very real.”

So it is consumer compliance that the government is most concerned about. This is, in their view, revenue which is technically due to the state but which they never collect. As all states are struggling financially and looking for more “painless” sources of revenue, the idea of businesses collecting more tax for them is very appealing. Enter the Marketplace Fairness Act. Sadly, as it is written, this well-intended Act could have some extremely negative consequences.

Leveling the Playing Field May Level Small Companies

The framing of this legislation has been to “level the playing field” between local retailers and online superstores. According to Alpert, calling it the Marketplace Fairness Act “is an attempt to position the bill as rescuing ‘Main Street’ from the unfairness in the marketplace created by ‘Online Giants’ such as Amazon and Walmart” — but in her view, the bill should be seen for what it actually is: “a way to consolidate sales and power in the hands of the biggest retailers and to crush the little guys with an administrative burden that no small or even medium-size company can handle.”

Alpert adds that the $1 million dollar revenue cutoff exemption that was intended to protect small business is not protective enough. “For most people, that sounds like a pretty large business. But retailers work on very small net margins, often 5% or lower. So the typical $1 million seller may have one part-time employee and may be earning about $50,000 a year!”

Image from

When I asked about the option of raising the limit, Alpert raised an important point: “What if I told you that once you reach the level of the exemption, you would need to overcome one-time costs of software and integration (let’s call that $500,000) and raise your annual cost of doing business by an amount needed to offset all the extra requirements (let’s call that $150,000). You are currently right under the line of whatever the exemption amount is, but once you collect one dollar more in revenue than the magic threshold, you have to incur those one-time costs of compliance. You must also be ready to incur the ongoing costs of collecting these taxes in all jurisdictions. Why would you ever collect that one extra dollar if that dollar of revenue growth could conceivably cost you $650,000 in the first year? This is a tremendous disincentive to economic growth.”

It could also be a deterrent for start-ups. “Who would start a business knowing that if they succeed, they may never be able to overcome the major financial hurdles associated with that success?” Alpert added. Even if the price tag of tax compliance were a fraction of Alpert’s projection, it is clear that start-ups would suffer.

Hidden Consequences for Small Companies

Start-ups are particularly vulnerable to any legislation that requires significant legal compliance, because of the escalating costs involved. Here is Alpert’s short list of reasons this legislation could be detrimental to small companies:

1. The administrative burden is beyond what most small businesses can handle.

2. The software costs and integration issues are neither small nor simple and will beget a whole new industry. Good news if you are a tax software company, bad news if you are any other kind of business start up.

3. The product classification work that must be done for every product — especially those not in national databases like the unique handcrafted items I sell on or Alpert sells at Uno Alla Volta — will add a “tremendous amount of work to compliance, with high risks associated with human error.”

4. Mail order companies will have the worst of it. “Forgotten in all of this are the great many consumers who calculate their own sales tax on mail-in orders before sending a check. My colleagues who run businesses that cater almost exclusively to seniors, especially housebound seniors, get millions of mail-in orders a year. The ‘abridged’ sales tax rate table they would need to send to their customers with the catalog would be larger than the catalog itself, with print so fine, and complexity so great that the typical senior would give up and not order the new housecoat or shoes that she really needs.”

What Needs to Change?

Alpert is not opposed to paying sales tax in every state, but her fear is the burden the current proposed system puts on small businesses. “I’ve made clear to my Congresswoman that my colleagues and I have no objections to collecting sales tax for other states, but it has to be doable and simple enough that we can comply without putting ourselves out of business.”

She cited the following changes as the minimum required to make the legislation palatable for small companies:

Learning From the Past

Alpert learned the hard way about staying quiet when an onerous bill comes up for a vote. “In 2007, I and a number of my colleagues who run businesses which mail catalogues, got a big wake-up call when legislation passed by Congress — with the best of intentions — decimated our industry, causing a great many catalog companies to shut down, and entirely wiping out the profits of others, including mine.”

She won’t make the same mistake twice. “I’ve learned that if I don’t speak up and get my colleagues to do so as well, no one else will. As a CEO with a large number of stakeholders dependent upon the sustainability of what we do, this is part of my job of managing risk, whether I like it or not. The MFA presents a big a risk to our being able to continue to serve the populations we serve, continue running our businesses, and maintaining employment for our staff.”

Urging Small Business to Take a Stand

Alpert is urging others to take a stand with her. “You have a bill that at face value is very hard to be against. Why shouldn’t the marketplace be fair? But we can’t take things at face value,” says Alpert. “We have to understand what legislation like this really means, and then we have to educate our legislators.” Many of them, like our own Congresswoman DeLauro, are wonderful people who truly want the best for their constituents and the country, but may be unaware of a proposed law’s unintended consequences. I’ve learned the hard way about how things work in Congress. If there are lots of big (well-moneyed) voices for something, and it is politically expedient for a Congressperson to vote for it, if they don’t hear from all of us quiet and often unorganized little guys, we will only have ourselves to blame. Therefore, we had better be neither quiet nor unorganized!”

So what does Alpert suggest we do? “Build coalitions in your districts. Gather a half dozen, a dozen or more business owners, and contact the district scheduler for your Congressperson. Sit down face to face. Be heard. Be clear. Be counted.”

Alpert will be at the meeting this week, and I look forward to being at her side.